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Reply to "O Gauge Building wish list"

Seems to me there's so much opportunity in scratch building either through your own imagination or by using HO scale designs for ideas. I think Flanger's examples of the background building or the grain and feed building are really great examples of using structure designs that have relatively simple lines. That makes the scratch building much easier, particularly when you're starting out. They may look really complicated but if you look closely and dissect the building into its major pieces, you can see how it can be done and not have it seem overwhelming. When you add the details, signs, etc. it takes on the look of a true craftsman type building kit. Before long you may be scratch building like SIRT or Vulcan (well, maybe not but we can hope). The pictures below were all done off HO designs. When I looked at the HO pictures from different angles, they all seem to have relatively simple lines that can be copied. I changed a few things along the way, due to availability or choice. There are way easier building to start with, like small cabins, freight houses, etc. all online that could provide inspiration.

I too wish there were more O scale buildings out there, particularly hi-rise city type buildings that are plentiful in HO. But, in the meantime, for originality and creative pleasure, scratch building is the way to go.


Last edited by Jerrman