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Reply to "O Gauge Building wish list"

Originally posted by Jerrman:
Seems to me there's so much opportunity in scratch building either through your own imagination or by using HO scale designs for ideas. I think Flanger's examples of the background building or the grain and feed building are really great examples of using structure designs that have relatively simple lines.
The pictures below were all done off HO designs. When I looked at the HO pictures from different angles, they all seem to have relatively simple lines that can be copied. I changed a few things along the way, due to availability or choice. There are way easier building to start with, like small cabins, freight houses, etc. all online that could provide inspiration.

I love all three of those buildings, and I couldn't agree more with the above statement. They have that hard-to-describe uniqueness that you just can't buy. I agree that a big part of getting started in scratchbuilding involves "picking your battles" -- finding the right buildings to attempt and finding existing work to act as inspiration. HO kits are definitely great, but so are other people's scratch projects. That doesn't mean you have to end up with anything that anybody would call a "copy". I often find two or three buildings of the kind I am working on and pick elements from each. That's what I did in the shed I just finished. It has elements inspired by an O-guage copy of an HO model that I found on another forum and also some from a shed that Vulcan did a while ago (I'm sure he recognized the parts that I ripped off Smile ) The rest is all mine. IMO, there is nothing like knowing that a piece can't be found on anybody else's layout, even if the results aren't as refined as a pre-made item. Of course, kit bashing and plain-old accessorizing can be just as satisfying if you are just getting started or are short on time.

One thing that I always do when I start a project is to do a google image search to look for similar projects that other people have done. It is amazing how easy it is to find relevant ideas that way.