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Reply to "O Scale Freight Car Guide"

Don't forget about the drop-end gondolas, the ones that the ends drop down on for easy loading of heavy equipment by rail.




You should check out the O Scale Freight Car Guide to Gondolas.  You can read about the two O scale gondola models that are available with working drop ends.


Since so many of these cars have been offered in both 3 rail and scale, I wonder if there is a different place to put these discussions, so that all O scalers will know about and use them...




Do you mean 3 rail O scale and 2 rail O scale?  Remember, O scale isn't dependent on the number of rails!


I have put this thread on the main forum so that the largest number of users will find it and can then follow the links to the threads on each car type.  I placed the individual threads on the 3 Rail Scale forum because it seamed appropriate and I hope it will bring some new readers to all the other threads in the 3RS section.  Feel free to post a link to this thread if you like.  If, as some readers have suggested,  our moderators would like to place links to all the individual threads in a sticky at the top of the 3RS page I'd be all for it.


Great stuff Ted!  Thanks so much for all your hard work to compile and share this information with everyone!




Thanks, that is always encouraging to hear.  We have covered dozens of models in several car types so far but there are plenty of models left to cover in future installments of the O Scale Freight Car Guide.


Last edited by Ted Hikel