If running overhead wire isn't a big interest, we can always claim that we're using the stud contact system as used in some cities back when.
This magnetic switch system supplied power through studs between the rails, sorta like Marklin, but sometimes horses and people were electrocuted by a stuck stud contact here and there....... let's just say these systems weren't around very long.
Not to mention conduit, as your link mentioned above. In addition to London, NYC and Washington, DC had extensive conduit streetcar trackage, with the cars switching from conduit to poles on the outskirts of town (and I suspect that working in the trolley plow pits at such a switchover point would be prime fodder for Mike Rowe's "Dirty Jobs" show!)...
Thanks for trolly layout ideas for my next Christmas layout, I appreciate what you have done. Not quite sure what I want to do for my Street Car track addition yet, I do have a couple of new 036 FT Command Control Switches I plan on using on the Street Car line. I have not even tried the new 036 FT CC Switches with the MTH P2 Street Car yet. I am hoping the Pittsburgh Street Car will run thru them smoothly. I will definitely keep your fit up techniques in mind, while designing and building the street car line.
Your stuff looks great!
Thanks, Dave! Do you have the Pittsburgh Brill? If so, you can hear my mellifluous baritone announcing the station stops...