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Reply to "OCSMR-Ocean County Society of Model Railroaders Club Latest update 3/5/2025"

Cutting of the 3/4 inch plywood for the upper level on the south side is pretty much complete.  Using a "cookie" cutter method where the outer edge of the plywood is used for the ramp.  The club's saber saw just couldn't hack cutting the 3/4 inch ply.  So,  my 45 year old saber saw was resurrected to finish the job.

2017-03-28 0012017-04-08 0012017-04-08 002

Four sheets of plywood aren't quite enough to fill the area to the west side.  Will have to use some scraps.  Also, the ramp sections will need additional sections added to fill in the gaps.

2017-04-08 003

Our artist has been busy too.  Backdrop section to be installed on the east wall where the electrical panel is located.

2017-04-04 001

The safety crew started painting yellow visibility stripes on the stair tread.  The Museum had an incident on the other stairwell where one of their members was carrying items down and missed the last step.  He hit his head on the wall at the bottom.  Not a good thing for a septuagenarian.

2017-04-08 004

The extension platforms for our station were found and put in place.  Now Thomas can visit the Mainland and carry passengers back and forth to Sodor.

2017-04-08 005

2017-04-08 006

Next will be installing vertical supports for the upper level on the south end.



Images (8)
  • 2017-03-28 001
  • 2017-04-08 001
  • 2017-04-08 002
  • 2017-04-08 003
  • 2017-04-04 001
  • 2017-04-08 004
  • 2017-04-08 005
  • 2017-04-08 006
Last edited by LocoBudd