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UPDATE: 9-30-20 ... OGR Forum Supporting Member Announcement

UPDATE:  WE HAVE 250 SUPPORTING MEMBERS AS OF TODAY 9-30-20!  Thanks and congrats go to those of you that have decided to become a Supporting Member.  To put this in perspective, this represents about 1% of the total membership.  OR, this means 99% of the forumites are not members of this group.   We were hoping to reach a membership of 10% after 60 days and we are now 30 days from the initial announcement.  PLEASE consider becoming a Supporting member (details below) and help us reach our first goal.  Thanks so much for your consideration!


Over the past couple of years, we have received quite a few emails from members interested in finding ways to help support the OGR forum similar to what our Forum Sponsors do currently. Just recently there have been several threads where many of you have expressed the appreciation you have for the forum and how much it has added to your enjoyment of the hobby. You have posted kind thoughts and words that mean very much to me and the OGR team!

As many of you know, the forum is expensive and time consuming to operate and so about a half dozen years ago, we started aggressively offering opportunities for forum sponsorships to businesses directly involved in providing product and services to our readers and members. This is a win- win situation because all precipitants benefit. Our sponsors/advertisers benefit from being able to do direct and live marketing to the largest single group in this segment of the hobby and you as a member benefit because the advertising income helps keep the forum free. AND everyone benefits from you as active posting members offering the vast knowledge you have to make the forum the best place to come to discuss and learn about our hobby. All sides play an important role to make the forum “happen”!

It is no secret that the changing business climate in this hobby is forcing all of us to adjust the way we do business and frankly the way we live day to day. OGR must find ways to supplement our business model and try to expand what we have to offer our supporters, readers, and advertisers. Unlike other social media sites, we do not pop up ads or track your internet wanderings in order to put the “in your face” ads that are so common online. We only accept advertising that we believe you want because it is hobby related and offers something to enhance your enjoyment of the hobby.

With all of the above in mind, we have decided to offer an opportunity for you to participate in a new level of membership called the “OGR Forum Supporting Member”.  You can subscribe to this special group by CLICKING HERE. Once you have subscribed, you will see theSupporting Member Tagtag on your name, boldly showing indicating that you are a “Supporting Member”.

You will also be able to download a special, printable certificate signed by yours truly and dated which can be proudly framed and displayed. In addition, Supporting Members will have FREE access to one section of the OGR Video Digital Library with videos provided by OGR with updates at regular intervals. All of this is just $12.00 per year, which will go a long way toward helping to keep your forum the best place to go for discussion, help, information, and knowledge in the hobby.

We sincerely hope that you will take advantage of this new membership status and receive even greater value, distinction, and satisfaction of being an OGR Forum Supporting Member. Click here to get started!

Thanks so much for your support!


Images (1)
  • Supporting Member Tag
Last edited by OGR CEO-PUBLISHER
Original Post