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Reply to "Operating Instruction Manual for a MTH 20-2030LP"

Hey RJT!  I got it  But. when I did the MTH website searching under those two numbers, the 20-3020-1 version was the only one to come up, and I could see the Document Search Icon, but it was not active.  The cursor wouldn't activate it.  But you had said YOU FOUND IT, so I figured it had to be in here somewhere, so I did search under J-1e and the same loco came up, but on THIS one, the document search was active!  Ta Da.  I printed off all 36 pages, and my printer ran out of ink on the last two pages to print which was the table of contents and the front cover.  Nothing lost there.  A quick read showed me where the volume screw was on the bottom of the tender, and I got that to work, and I FINALLY GOT IT TO RUN IN FORWARD AND REVERSE ON MY TEST STAND, by turning the throttle AlMOST off, and then back up, it sequenced through neural, reverse, neutral, FORWARD (HURRAY).  I know there is a way to lock it into forward, but right now, I don't want to mess with success.  When I get some track laid again, I will tackle it again.  NOW: CAN ANYONE TELL ME WHERE TO GET A TENDER PART FOR THIS LOCO?  PART NO.    GA-1100074  Front Diecast Tender Steps.  (I found the Parts List for the loco and tender too) .  MHM, Thanks for the Best Wishes.  I am doing pretty good.  No pain, no cancer, got my second Covid Shot today, weight holding steady at 171, and I made it through the winter.  I feel Blessed.
