Not the 120 watts I am looking for, but is the 100 watts is good enough to run two traditional locos at high speed plus fixed voltage to 8 turnout switches? I have 85 feet of track or so, and lots of track power connections (12). I will use a separate small transformer for accessories.
And, how rugged/reliable have you found the MTH Z-1000 to be? Some reviews say the throttle handle seems loose/fragile.
Is there any slow-down of the locos when pressing the whistle or horn buttons?
I would prefer a brand new MRC AH-501 pure power, but the odds of finding one NIB or very lightly used seem remote.
It appears that I can still get a NIB Z-1000 for around $125. I doubt my layout will ever get much bigger track-wise, because the 9.5ft by 5ft table top is already covered up with track, with little open space for buildings or towns, and I will never build a yard.
Thanks for all advice and experiences.