I haven't used that specific Model Power Lights item as I've seen one single card of them only once in the Dayton area.
For what it's worth in the experience area:
In most of my structures that lacked lights, I used the Model Power "grain of wheat" bulbs like these shown on the Hobbylinc.com web site. A big problem is how to you fasten them in place easily (I used a touch of superglue in a couple of places along the wires so they would stick in the corner of the structures.

While they are not terribly bright, these lights have the saving grace of extremely thin wires, so you can run them about anywhere. I installed them successfully in a Lionel switch tower's lower and upper levels (after installing a false floor for the second floor and running the wires up one of the inside corners to near the roof line). I also installed them throughout a Rico Station model's various "rooms" including one in the small "room" up on the roof.
Even at 14 volts, these grain of wheat lights do not provide a huge amount of illumination. They provide roughly the kind of illumination you would see in real life coming from a house with paper shades. The Model Power 511 lights may provide brighter illumination.
In another building that's oddly shaped, namely the Lionel Quonset hut, I used one of Life-Like's "Building Interior light as I wanted a somewhat brighter light and the grain of wheat light described above did not work well with the curved roof building. This light, which is a little pricey, did the trick perfectly.

To illuminate one of K-Line's 7-11 stores, I used another interior light that has the bulb screwed in a yellow socket that has two "flat fleet" to attach it to the structure. It works okay; not too bright, but it doesn't overpower the three "soda machines" also illuminated inside that store.