The RED layer is the staging and at 0". The BLUE layer is the upper layer and is at an elevation of 8+". The GREEN layer is the lower level and has an elevation of 0" to 2" (where it connects to GRADE). SCARM doesn't automatically draw the layers in the proper vertical order; RED is under BLUE. Grades are roughly 3%.
The BLUE track uses only O54 curves but you could substitute O42. Also the STAGING is O54.
Had to I watched a video to understand what you wanting to do with your drawbridge. You can put the bridge where the YELLOW and BLUE lines meet where I placed a 90 deg crossing. There is a complete loop on top that won't cross over the bridge; just go under it.
A swing-out gate supporting both the RED and Blue tracks will provide entry to the inside. These have been discussed on the Forum.