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Reply to "PC Control of MTH Engines by Serial Connection to the TIU"

Originally Posted by RJR:

Excellent job, obviously the result of considerable effort.


David:  The so-called "internet lawyers" should not be criticized.  They are understandably protective of a fellow forumite.  I read his posts as indicating he is fully aware of restrictions.


I have seen much mention on the forum on Arduino.  Is there any good and understandable basic material, an Arduino 101 if you will, to explain basic concepts.

Not to hijack the thread I'll keep this short.  I've found this series by Jeremy Blum the most clear, and well done of the many available on YouTube.  the series starts with explaining what it is, and goes on from there with little projects that show many of the built in functions that make this a wonderfully simple solution for many projects.  


The Arduino forums are also very useful and folks there can usually help with any level of question.  

Also to note the Uno which is the board often used in examples is about 2.5x3.5 inches.  Other, smaller boards offer similar functionality, but have fewer GPIO pins.  

Last edited by JohnGaltLine