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Reply to "PENN CENTRAL FANS: An O-Gauge Product Checklist and Discussion Thread"

Before the funeral special even had a chance to depart New York Penn Station, railroad personnel were faced with a huge challenge.


Upon getting the casket to the platform astride observation car 120, employees realized it would not be possible to bring the casket in through the vestibule door and angle it into the body of the car as it would not fit. Next, they tried to bring it into the car via the observation platform and door. Too wide for the door, the casket again would not fit.  


At this point, in order to get the train underway, serious consideration was given to loading the casket aboard the baggage car and leaving the doors open so it could be viewed by the trackside throngs. The desire of the railroad and family to carry it in the observation car as originally planned eliminated that idea from consideration. It was then decided to consult with Maintenance to ascertain the possibility of removing one of the 120's window in order to load the casket through the opening. Identified as the only workable solution, the services of employees from the appropriate craft armed with the proper tools were secured. The window was removed, the casket was eased through the opening on to its pedestal and the window was reinstalled. An employee with tools accompanied the train to Washington where he once again removed the window so the casket could be unloaded.


The effort which went into pulling off this task was truly herculean. It's little wonder railroaders, professional and amateur alike, are still enthralled by stories about the RFK Funeral Train all these many years later.


