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Reply to "Places to Eat ????"

Originally Posted by DPC:
Originally Posted by Joe Hohmann:

Guess I'm the only one who likes inexpensive "comfort food". My vote goes to Bob Evans near the fairground, or the diner at Rt.30 and Kenneth Road. On the fairgrounds, the stand selling Italian sausage with onions and peppers, across from the Brown Hall.

Thanks Joe LOL,
I had a 6 way bypass. I'll pass on the Italian sausage with onions and peppers.
I don't need to do the bypass thing again LOL It really wasn't any fun the first time around.

Thanks so much guys.We're at the Sheraton which is right near the Round the Clock and the Texas Roadhouse sounds nice Rick . Like I said I didn't know York had gotten that big.


While I'm not sure it's actually good for a heart condition, there is a cart at the fairgrounds that sells crab cake sandwiches that lot's of folks like.  (it's probably better for you than the cholesterol in the sausages, however!)


I make sure to try to stop there each day for lunch.



