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Reply to "Plasticville & Nostalgia"

Beautiful thread of information - thank you.  In the early 50's we had a 44' long train table loaded with Plasticville, I think we had just about every building available at the time.  Today, many still reside on the current train table, some have been repainted but not all.

QUESTION: Have any of you ever seen a plastic Army Barracks.  It was originally dark brown with a yellow roof and doors, but was repainted to match actual  barracks (of which many are still standing).  Here are a few photos from different angles and I hope someone recognizes it.  It did have very small army figures, played with and lost of course. 20210707_10080620210707_10074520210707_100806


Images (3)
  • 20210707_100717
  • 20210707_100745
  • 20210707_100806