Sounds to me like the layout has poor signal strength. I find that if I add an engine on a test track, I can normally run it even with a weaker signal on the rails. The fact that you can't run it certainly suggests a track signal issue.
Do you have more than one TIU in operation? That's the one wild card here.
@harmonyards posted:Try doing a recovery Ed, ….that’d be the first step,…
Pat, in this case, that's probably not going to help. He already has the engine in the remote correctly configured from the test track. The engine address is not in doubt.
@Quarter Gauger 48 posted:Sounds like it is stuck in conventional mode. Evan though it is recognized by the TIU, Sounds crazy, but, I have some Ps2 engines that just will not run unless there on a conventional PWR source track........
If it were stuck in conventional mode it wouldn't run on the test track.