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Proto 48 for 0n42

Are there any Standards for On42 ( 1:48, 3ft.6in. COLONIAL gauge?)

I am looking at a Steam era,

1940s-early 1950s Queensland Government Railways steam diorama layout, of necessity fully scratch built...some period freight cars are available ( urethane) as are some Bogies and car wheels, but that's about it.

Locos are similar to US 3ft examples, in fact 1880s QGR used some Baldwins;( 4-4-0 , 2-8-0, ) and WWII NG USTC 2-8-2.

I will be looking for Loco wheel sets, add-on parts, etc. for Brass/styrene Engines, and Wood/Brass for Rolling stock.

Relevant Designs are available from Our excellent State  Railway Museum Archives, including most items from 1865 to 1960s...( Steam era) and some standard structures as well as track standards. I already have experience in HO, and Sn42 building, ( wooden & metal), but with increasing age, weakening eyesight, and fumble fingers, would like to try a bigger, more realistic scale.

I would appreciate any help from US and Aussie modellers with On3, On2 or On42 or On30 experience in scratch building techniques and loco building.


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