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Reply to "Proto Sound 2 5v board repairs"

@Lou1985 posted:

The ones I've seen fail (and it's usually a blown cap) were made in 2000-2001. The 2002-2003 5V boards seem to not suffer from that as much, although it's really random chance.

This makes some sense, as computer motherboards from around that time are notorious for leaking capacitors and fail at a higher rate.  The story I heard is there were some less than reliable manufacturers that dumped loads of them in the Asian markets around that time.  I’ve had two fail (years ago now) and a couple of monitors from that time frame.  Meanwhile stuff before and after work fine.  

I also have a set of high end speakers made in 2000 or 2001 that have built in subwoofers.  The subwoofer quit working in one and the other started sounding like a motorboat.  Both had bulging power supply capacitors, replaced with some Nichicon ones and they’re as good as new.

Maybe that was the Y2K bug they were talking about?

Last edited by rplst8