I think a proper diagnosis is necessary, at this stage. I’m a professional engineer and if there was any pattern to this loco’s responses, I would see it. It clearly works well, mechanically.
What I was hoping for, was something similar to my BLI C16 2-8-0, which in 12v DC has a QSI board providing a limited repertoire of start-up sounds, bell and whistle controlled by the controller; switch on, hold about 3v, startup sequence (air pump, Dynamo). Increase power, chuff sounds as it moves away. Flick power off and on quickly, Bell. Flick reversing switch, whistle. Volume control in the tender; turn a screw.
It’s as simple as that and works very well. If I could get that, on this loco, on AC, from the usual buttons on my KW I’d be well pleased. I’d be quite happy with just whistle and bell.
this whole control system offends my sense of the fitness of things, Occams Razor applies. Like most engineers, I have little patience at times.
from hard experience, including having worked at the Post Sorting Office, I’d rather send a complete tender. I’ve SEEN what happens to parcels in the post, and (being an engineer with a lot of construction experience) I’m a firm believer in defining a scope of work up to a logical end-point; sending boards to the US and leaving myself with reassembly, makes no sense.
If you could do that, email me with a cost and a shipping address and I’ll send it.