@Mooner posted:People. Hard to know what they are thinking sometimes. I go to Palmer Yard in MA on occasion and pretty much stick to the diamond. On my scanner I hear New England Central sending a train south to Connecticut from time to time, but never bothered to track the movement. This morning, I heard the chatter between the dispatcher and engineer and decided to go to an obscure crossing at milepost 63 to catch the train. As I am standing at the crossing with my camera pointed at the rails, another person approaches with her truck and, after looking at me, stops at the crossing, shuts off her truck and gets out right in front of me to make her own film. Okay. I was going to say something snarky but remembered my wife's favorite saying of kill 'em with kindness. Commented "Well, that was fun!" instead. She couldn't have been happier. I'll get over it.
Stealth mode......walk up to photo bomb her shot as the train rolls by....
Good work Moon