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Reply to "S gauge FlyerChief GP7's are arriving from dealers...tell us your views and/or reviews."


Many of you have known me for all the problems I have had with Lionel Flyer items.  I told myself (an others) that I would NEVER buy another.  Well, (as they say) never say never.  I was taken by the UP Geep paint job, and the fact that I always wanted a Gilbert one, but couldn't find one for a decent price.  So when the new ones were announced with their better looking trucks, and for such a great price, I bit the bullet.  Well, the bullet bit back. 

My Geep came in, and I tested it for loose trucks, screws, faulty paint and then put it on the track.  Powering up the remote (with new batteries) all seemed well!  I gave it a lube and it was a bit hesitant, but in a few laps, it smoothed out nicely.  Quieter too.  I fired up the Blue Tooth app, and it gave me more features!  Great!  The loco wouldn't pull more than 8 cars without spinning the wheels, but that's all I wanted to pull anyway.  I was even going to paint the pilot steps to match, and mixed up a batch of paint to do that when I ran the train around to a convenient spot to take the locomotive off the track.  The front headlight wasn't working.  Now, if it were the ElectroCouplers, I'd not even bat an eye since I don't plan on doing any switching with the thing anyway.  But a HEADLIGHT?  I suspect a cut or shorted out wire.  Am I going to attempt the repair?  No way.  The board is probably fried from an LED shorting out.  Someone else reported a cut wire due to the flywheel cutting into it.  It's going back!  Lionel strikes again!

