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Reply to "S gauge FlyerChief GP7's are arriving from dealers...tell us your views and/or reviews."

poniaj posted:

I also emailed my dealer with no response.  A phone call is in order.  I've been assured by another S guy who I respect greatly that the dealer will make good.  Now to find the time to call, and become the squeaky wheel.


Well, I got the the engine back from the dealer in record time.  He told me that I could send it to Lionel or his place.  However, he had a 4-6 week back-up of repairs.  Since the paperwork was hard to find, I sent it to him.  It was less than a week, plus shipping time (and procrastination on my part).  The light works fine.  A note said it was a burned out LED.  Now, how many LEDs ever go bad?  In the many years I've been working on trains, I've never had one go out.  But he replaced it, and re-routed the wires so the flywheel won't contact a wire again.  LEDs aren't covered on warranty, so he charged me for the LED.  Less than $3, and didn't charge labor.  Very fair.  In the very remote possibility that I will ever buy any more Lionel Flyer products, it will be from him.   I'll still have to find a place to add weight to the unit since it isn't a very good puller.  I've noticed that other have had this same problem with the newest Geeps.  I have some older ones that can pull tree stumps, but this one has problems in that department.  By the way, I'm mixing up a batch of paint to match the UP grey so I can paint the pilots like Union Pacific did.  I'll post photos when done.
