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Refurbishing a Pre-war Lionel Multivolt Type T 100 Watt Transformer - Successful Follow Up

If this has already been covered on the forum, my apologies.  My searches didn't turn up anything relevant to servicing these prewar "MULTIVOLT" transformers.

Ok, before you say it, yes I know many of you may be thinking "Why would you want to mess with this death trap, use a modern transformer?" or "Just put it on the self to look at." To answer these first, let me say, I like bringing old things back to life and I have a healthy respect for, training, and experience with electrical device repair.   This unit seems to be in relatively good condition and I'd love for it to be actually working and not just a static display piece.  I also plan to have it's output running through a 5 Amp Airpax Instant Breaker.  If I can replace the cord and get this to where I feel its relatively safe for adult use, I may use it for accessories.  When finished, I plan to connect it to a Variac and gradually raise the input voltage to ensure that there are no internal shorts or voltage leakage.

Before I open up the case to replace the power cord and any other recommended service, I'd like to ask for some advice from any of you who've done this, about what to be careful with inside to avoid unnecessary work or damage to the internal wiring.

To remove the top panel, after straightening the four tabs on top where the red arrows are pointing in this image>

Multivolt Type T Front panel 2-mu

My questions are:

  1. Do the 9 binding post retaining nuts need to be removed to get at the internal power cord connections?
  2. Does the knurled knob at the lever base also need to be removed?
  3. Any thing else need to come apart?
  4. On another forum, there was mention of the inside being filled with tar (or something resembling it).  Any suggestions on dealing with this?
  5. Is there anything else that needs to be done to access the power cord connections inside the case.
  6. Any other helpful hints?

Thank you, SteveH


Images (1)
  • Multivolt Type T Front panel 2-mu
Last edited by SteveH
Original Post