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Solution/lionel 1946 #671steam engine

Trying one more time to save my recent purchase of 46' Lionel #671 engine. On a previous post several weeks on the Lionel Service Questions entry I explained the difficulty I was having getting engine to move. Initially the engine did run when I first put in on the layout. After I disassembled the engine , clean & lubricated, the engine will not work. The light works, smoke bulb works, but now the engine will not move. The main upper gear or pinion will not spin when power is applied. It spins freely by hand. What I can t understand is ... with power applied, I put my finger on the gear and push forward, the motor starts and the train and gear will move down the track. When I remove my finger pressure, the gear & motor stops.   I did get a download(diagram) from Olsen's from a fellow OGR member that clearly shown the assembly. All of wiring and solder points seem to be  good. Like I said on my previous post, I hate to give up because it was a good looking Train Show find. Any ideas, possible suggestions would be helpful.. Thanks Dan Venet

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