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(EMD) G scale engine CR (NS) SD80MAC build

So.... I started a project. I had pieces already cut and they seem like they're for a different engine? So I started fresh again.

Got the first couple pieces cut. First piece is 30.25 X 3.8+ X .25 roughly cut. Cut (taper) both ends in around 10 degrees from center width.

Setting the ride height. I cut relief holes in the frame for swing and to lower the frame to the right height. They should be filed at the sides on an angle for the truck's swing. I forgot so I'll file them a little more later with my roto tool as needed. Just a minor bit more in the corners.


I have to commit to the exact cuts for the pilots and stairs. I'll rough cut them and fine tune them as I build. I like to move forward with different things so I'm not stuck doing the exact same thing over and over. I'll do some plastic. Then some mechanicals. Then add wiring. Then back to plastic, etc., etc..

 I got nervous even committing to the truck's final mounting position. I'm getting old?

I must have left my spare thicker plastic sheets out back in the shed? So that's probably it 'til dinner. That's my excuse for now anyways.


Images (3)
  • DSC_0956
  • DSC_0957
  • DSC_0958
Last edited by Engineer-Joe
Original Post