@trumpettrain posted:Thank you so much Lou! Much appreciate your information. So, was Mr. Lee able to garner any business from Right of Way?
No sir. All of the business went to Ajin Precision. They were the best builder. Overland Models used them exclusively.
The one exceptions was the Allegheny which was built by Jang Se Ho of Boo Rim. Mr. Jang was previously the Chief Engineer of Ajin.
There are a lot of relatives and relationships in this business. I was with Cho Nam Dal (owner of Ajin) in his office and asked him where Sam Hong Sa was. He casually pointed out his window a few streets over and said: Over there.
Mr. Cho invited us to see the assembly of the high end locomotives (specifically the Red Swiss Electrics). The assemblers were 50ish gentlemen all wearing white shirts. No one spoke a word. These guys were the top of the line builders.
Lou N