Fantastic building,nothing short of true art,my friend!!
I'm doing the same thing. I thought my nerves would never stand the shock of trying to set up a paper mill with all its many parts,so I remembered another design shown years ago in Model Railroader Magazine. It used HO kits to kitbash with. I have the kits here & decided I can make true to life buildings that please "Me." I also thought in building my grain elevator,I would use old Metamucil cans to represent silos. I put 2 of these together for 1 silo. But as I have a shelf above the "silos,"I thought,"I can't put my elevator here as there's no room above the silos for the headhouse!" After months of fussing over this,I came to my senses&thought,"you've got great track room at this location,until you get benchwork up to allow a better location,make this the elevator site&start loading grain trains!!" So that's my approach, also.
Great post Roo!! Fantastic work!!
Al Hummel