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Stopping the jiggle

Lionel rolling stock, afflicted with the riveted plastic trucks, have a lot of jiggle when run. Particularly noticeable when running TOFCs, or flatcars with vans. Diecast trucks are easy - unscrew the truck, and place a flat washer between the truck bolster and flatcar; that takes up most of the slop. Not so easy with riveted plastic trucks. The rivets can be drilled out, and trucks replaced with diecast, but that’s difficult and expensive. I have what I think is an easier solution, but the devil is in the details. I would like to use an e-clip to act as a space occupying washer, reducing the side to side slop, but getting the right size for the diameter of the rivet shaft, and, more difficultly, getting the e-clip placed, are the 2 stumbling blocks. The space between the bolster and car side is a significant hindrance. So any and all ideas are appreciated. Thanks for reading.



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