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Reply to "Strollers in the halls"

My wife and I went to the train show in springfield Mass one year about

5-6 years ago. She cant walk the show floors so we rented a wheel chair.

I put my Cowboy hat on and my driving gloves,(the wheel chair handles hurt

my hands) and off we went on an adventure.

we arrived at the show. carefully made it through 2 and 1/2 halls via my exceptional driving skills with a wheel chair. found some items to purchase. My wife said she had enough. made it back to the truck and had a great time. didn't run into anyone. didn't knock any tables over. and when we first got there, the guy at the door at the 1rst building even let my wife go into the ladies room before we even bought tickets.

I think its all about the drivers and watchin the kids in the strollers.


had a friend in Syracuse NY at their annual show set up G gauge equipment and a toddler grabbed a $500 loco and pulled it off on the floor, Dad was NOT watching his kid. And my friend was out $500 as the parent refused to take responsibility and left the show.
