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Reply to "Suggestions Wanted For Components For An O Scale Curved Deck Girder Bridge And Supports"

High steel trestle made from Central Valley HO girder components, Scenic Express plate girder sections, Plastruct railings, and plywood "concrete" deck.  The girder was cut into short straight sections to make the curves.

2020-05-07 12.12.19

2020-06-20 11.46.56

Low steel trestle made from plate girder sections from K-Line K41814 Girder Bridge (ends were cut off and sections were inverted) and cast metal elevated bridge supports I picked up somewhere.  Lionel or Marx graduated bridge supports could be substituted.




Images (3)
  • 2020-05-07 12.12.19
  • IMG_2138
  • 2020-06-20 11.46.56