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Reply to "Sunset's B&O wagon top covered hoppers"

B&O had only 200 of these cars in Class N-34, built in the early 1940s. That's why photos of them in service are not easily found. Most were used in captive on line service, usually for sand and materials used in glass making in the West Virginia area. B&O tended to assign them to certain customers. 


Several were also assigned to Halliburton. They carried powdered materials related to oil well drilling and usually got into Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas.


Near the end of their service lives, these cars also carried cement as well as some highly corrosive chemicals. Duryea underframes were eventually banned from interchange in the 1960s and all the N-34 wagontop covered hoppers had them. So they were scrapped as they neeed repairs. Ditto for the M-53 class wagontop box cars because they also had Duryea underfmraes.


The Sunset car is basically fairly good. However, I think the rivet detail on them is oversized and the gray paint is too dark. Hallmark made similar errors in their B&O wagon top covered hoppers. Also the couplers should extend farther by 3/16" to better model the Duryea underframe feature. While the lettering looks OK, it's not in a true B&O freight car font but its passable.




