It's #SwitcherSaturday time!!!!
Lots of us out there love switchers (shifters, docksiders, yard goats, critters, etc.), so lets keep #SwitcherSaturday (a.k.a. SWSAT) rolling!
If you missed last week's SWSAT you should really go take a look, it was a ton of fun! We had a pretty big turnout, one of the most active SWSATs we've had in a long time!
This week at the Murnane house...
PRR #8977 (Lionel 6-18000 PRR 0-6-0 B6 Scale Steam Switcher circa ~1998) is up early shifting things around at the Richmond, Chesapeake, Hudson Yard (RiCHY)!
Also, though not switcher related - here's some pics of my trip to Chicago earlier this week I had a nice time and got to spend a bit of time walking around. Union Station is a treasure!
Behind the curtain at Union Station, a surprise awaits!
I hope everyone has a nice weekend and if you get a chance - post some switcher stuff here!
All the best...Rich Murnane
p.s. Miss the post on Saturday? NO BIG DEAL, just keep posting pictures of your favorites until the next #SwitcherSaturday