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Reply to "Switcher Saturday - September 30, 2023"

Good evening fellow switcher lovers!!  I'm late to this totally terrific party, celebrating the unsung heroes of rails,  that has been going on since this morning!    Thanks so much MELGAR for getting this party going today!!  I love your handsome B&M  44 tonner too!  

This evening I present switchers in the role of supporting actor ...

Folks at the switch tower ... MOW worker Ludwig Reich stands by his B&O MOW Dept. pickup truck.  Tower operator Hector Higgins gives a hardy wave from the top floor entrance.   Carpenter Johnny Crouch is seen on his hands and knees replacing some rotting planks on the tower's walkway.  Charlie Krauss must be practicing his lantern waving skills during daylight hours.  Young skinny Lumpy Larson likes hanging out at the tower where he can see lots of rail activity.  IMG_3656

Barrels to be unloaded. IMG_3381

Downtown Lower Patsburg ... Clark Kent steps out of a  phone booth, Wilber Creech is running like mad. Must be late for the train yet again!   Harry Huffnagle sells his hotdogs from his hotdog cart ... been doing this for 16 years now.  He inherited the cart from his father who sold hot dogs for 28 years before Harry took over the business.  IMG_0587

After dumping a load of sand at the sand house, the air dump car is being pushed back to the yard on the engine service track. IMG_0549

Patsburg Power Company's new promotion slogan " More power to YOU!" as they promote the upgrade project of their local power grid.  Here BIG HOOK lends a hand, or boom, to transferring these transformers onto the waiting flatbed trailer.  IMG_1771IMG_1756


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Last edited by trumpettrain