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Reply to "Switcher Saturday - September 30, 2023"


Been a while for me. Prewar Walthers scratch built boiler and tender shell for the walthers polydrive  PRR 0-6-0 switcher. Just got the boiler and tender but had a few walthers polydrive switcher parts. Yes I know the tender is not correct , for PRR it would be a slope back, but that is how the guy built it 70-80 years ago so it will be ok.  Still need to track down some polydrive details but generally I should be able to put this little guy back together.


  Even I came out of the woodwork for that one. Very nice purchase. There were plenty of PRR B6 switchers that did not have the "Standard" slope-back tenders and had instead, boxy ones they you are historically safe. i noticed what looks like a piece of a Lucky Strike cigarette carton (maybe holding in a coal pile?

