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Reply to "Synchronized Chuff & Smoke With Steam Blunami Installation"

I think one of the funny things about this discussion is this four chuffs per revolution is fantastic. Once the locomotive is an action. The four chuffs will start to get muddy. I have an older Lionel Mohawk with two chuffs per Revolution. When that engine is in motion, the sound is much nicer than the newer four chuff locomotives.

as for sound quality yes, the boards they use for HO do have nicer sound, but the reality is again once the engine is in motion, the quality of the sound becomes irrelevant. It’s the same thing I always say in G scale if it’s good at 4 feet it’s good

these arguments about sound are almost as good as the argument about paint color. It’s all subjective. And by the way in sound in order to get a rich deep sound, you need a large speaker. This is just physics. With the advent of three speakers per steam locomotive the sound has been taken to a next level. I know the argument will now begin about accuracy of sound. For someone who has been around real locomotives most of his life I can tell you there are no two that sound exactly the same.

let’s just say. All sound improvements are good for the hobby.

let just play trains

The PennCentral Shops
