Thanks Dave for the information on Curtis.
After reading the responses to this topic and doing a little thinking I realize what a great product GarGraves track is. It has been around for 84 years! A lot of people, companies and products have changed in 3R over that time, but GarGraves (2 family owned) and track continues on. Point is there is no way it would have survived that long if it wasn't a great product. There have been attempts over the years to improve upon it, or compete with it (ie Super O), but they have "come and gone".
So bottom line; Yeah, I can come up with a way to make it look a little more prototypical, but hate to end up like the other "competitors". One of my credos; Those that don't know history are doomed to repeat it. So in fact the "Perfect" 3R track may already exist.
Thanks to all that have contributed to this topic!