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Reply to "Thinking Ahead To The Christmas Layout"

I will once again issue my plea for Christmas layout picture--individual shots that can be used in our Readers' Rail section and even full layout features if you have something a bit out of the ordinary.  It offers a chance to make a bit of extra Christmas shopping money, be it for train items or a gift for someone special.  The photo can be of this year's display or even some great shots you made in previous years.


Photos need to be high resolution (largest file size; camera set for fewest number of images), but you can send examples of what you have via e-mail attachments first and I can advise on what might be needed.


I like to feature Christmas in our December issue, and it won't be too many more weeks before I'll actually start working on putting that issue together.  Get in touch with me if you feel you have something worth considering, and which, if published, will provide a lasting momento for family and friends that lasts far beyond the here-today-gone-tomorrow displays seen online.
