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Reply to "Thinking Ahead To The Christmas Layout"

I'm thinking Christmas in July right now. I know you are saying what are you in the retail end of things; No. Last year we revamped our VBS [Vacation Bible School] at church to be more like a camp program, I will be doing two Workshops for five nights on "The Wonderful World of Trains" [grades k-3rd and 4th -6th]. The first night which will be an intro night I'm thinking of doing a Christmas Tree [4 ft.] lay-out then stripping the deck for the kids to make a toy train lay-out. The nights after the opening night I plan to use some of my modules for talking points: What do trains do, and history of trains. It will be interesting to see how it works out.


How on my dream lay-out each side will represent a different season of the year and the summer will be in one of the two towns I plan for the lay-out and the town will be celebrating Founders Day(s), I do plan to have a parade going down main street.  
