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Tier 4 Diesel Locomotives: ET44AC, ET44C4, SD70ACe-T4

Lionel Legacy ET44AC/ET44C4 Tier 4 GEVO:

Lionel made the semi-scale LC+2.0 TMCC/Bluetooth-equipped ET44 Tier 4 model a few years back. I want them to make a scale version with Legacy control. Since the body of the real ET44s is a bit longer (by 16") than the ES44, the Lionel scale ET44 version would have to have a slightly longer frame. The trucks, cab, and most of the front half of the body would be the same as the standard ES44, but with the massive radiator and a slightly longer hood length. The GEVO-12 engine is the same as the ES44.

Other features I want to see on a Legacy ET44:

-BNSF ET44C4 with correct C4 truck details

-Different smokestack detail variations

-Other details on cab roof

-4-digit addressing with new Base-3/Cab-3 App

-Liveries: BNSF (ET44C4), UP (C45AH), CSX (ET44AH), NS, CN, GE Prototype (with correct long hood hump detail variation)


The SD70ACe-T4 is Progress Rail/EMD's latest model. The newer SD70s look similar to the original SD70ACe, but with the front "teardrop" windows of the older SD70M/SD70MAC units. The massive radiator is similar to the SD80MAC and SD90MAC units, with 3 radiator fans. The engine is powered by the EMD/Progress Rail 4-Stroke 12-1010J Prime Mover (a 12-cylinder version of the SD90MAC's 265H engine). This might have to be a Vision Line model, since it would be a new tooling. No model train company, to my knowledge, has ever made the SD70ACe-T4 in any scale, and I want this engine made.


-New tooling for the body and trucks; the cab would be an SD70AH isolated cab with the front windows of an SD70M

-New EMD 1010J engine sounds (which kind of sounds more like a GE engine because it's a 4-stroke instead of a 2-stroke like an EMD 567,  645, or 710.

-Correct horn sounds

-The engine frame would have to be slightly longer than the original SD70ACe.

-Liveries: EMD Prototype, UP (SD70AH-T4; 100 on their roster), CSX (ST70AH; 10 on their roster), BNSF (ordered 23 SD70ACeP4-T4s with 4 powered axles like the ET44C4)

Anyone else interested in these modern beasts to be made in O-Scale by Lionel (or even MTH)?

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