OK so its a little bent up ....
And its not really scratch free...
Oh and its been played with and abused a fair bit...
Probably stepped on a time or two ..
And it was rescued from after being donated to the English Heart Foundation Charity shop...
Who then listed it on epay , but they didnt know her pedigree ...
Luckily I spied her ... and very uncharacteristic for me put in a bid on the day she was listed ...
Fully expecting to be blown out of the water ... and in actuality, another person DID bid on it a couple of days later , but it was a very tentative bid that only raised it from 0.99p up to a massive Β£10.50 ... I was pretty sure he was coming back ... so as the Auction finished at about 5 am local time to me ... before going to bed I raised my opening bid to a level at which I could say " well I dont feel so bad now " when he of course came back and outbid me ...
And he didnt come back
So this rough and ragged beauty is coming to meet a whole lot of new friends at my house !
A 1936-41 Hornby Silver Jubilee Silverlink Clockwork Locomotive and tender ... Sadly she has lost her carriages to the ravages of time, but quite a hard model to find in any condition really, and normally quite spendy when you do , so this is a WIN!!! ( in my books anyway )
Not produced in huge numbers this loco came in three different colours with the silver being the more common ( there is also a two tone green and a Maroon/Cream livery versions )
Her dings will bend back with a little light persuading, and I am sure she will sit a little more proudly on her M Clockwork Chassis ...
I might be a little in love ...