Ohhh Frenchy ! What a marvellous PLM Aerodynamique ! Thats one of my Bucket List locomotives .. C'est Magnifique Mon Frere !
Same with the Marklin Marvel from MR JKE ! glorious condition and some rocking horse poo right there !
Well this week for me has been more about "Bits and Pieces" than stunning rarity or amazingness
Starting with a simple Post War Hornby British Rail tender
Then a nice Canadian Pacific Marx found here in Aus .. ( excuse sellers photography lol )
Apparently its a "Perfect runner"
And sourced from the same fine fellow .. a lovely little double reduction Marx motor ( again perfect runner) which is quite possibly going to replace the motor in my British Marx Silverlink which has some issues !
But the absolute BARGAIN of the week was finding a lot of Vintage wheels on the Netherlands epay, and with the kind assistance of my Dutchy mate it was secured for an astounding opening bid of ......
0.99 Euro's ! with 7 euros local postage !
Thats some MAJOR treasure right there ! A lot of early pressed cut tin spoked wheels as well as some later cast versions ( and some HWN or similar plastics lol )
But the funniest thing I mentioned to Dutchy after winning it ... the Charles Gervais Cheese box the dude sent it in .... is worth 50 times the winning bid according to asking prices on epay !!!
So we started out pretty meekly but ended with a bang !
( it doesnt take much to keep me happy lol )