@Arne posted:
All very nice Arne- I love that that you got the same indicator from the same company with the variance being the country/region they represent and were therefore primarily marketed in- really cool. I also like the indicators themselves, I have the German one.
Also like the strong Australian pick-up, I studied there a few years back during undergrad- centered in Brizzy, traveled up the east coast, so beautiful. Love the actually train system there, as well. Asked a guy for directions when getting off the subway when Saturday night, he turned around, said “oh a sepo” and just roundhouse kicked me in the middle of a busy subway exit corridor. Luckily my arm was at my side already, his wife was horrified. Regardless, Great mass transit and cool trains; I utilized their trains quite often. Traveled up the east coast. My 5:45ish Friday train ride from Brisbane to Bondi beach is possibly my favorite, most serene and peaceful trainride ive ever taken.(sure beats philly to St. Augustine!)