Help required from our fine American comrades
Pretty much whenever I see a US vintage clockwork loco here in Australia, I am gonna try and snatch it, limited budget permitting, so this fellow has to come live with me .
Much like a young Charles Darwin however, I am left to contemplate "The Origin of Species " and as you fine folk here are the Galapagos to my Darwin when it comes to early USA locos I present for your delectation, perusal, and knowledge emanation... the following ...
My mind wants to say Hafner ... but the mech having a normal shaft and key confuses me?
Mind you it is not in hand yet so its hard for me to say if its a swapped mech , but I would find that unlikely , because ..Australia... and just how many mechs are laying around in the 10-30's? not many I would guess ...
So turning it over to you wonderful gaggle of brethren with better knowledge than I !