Jamie / Daniel : Thank you both so much for the information on the HRCA and HRCAA I am currently trying to join at least one of them. I really appreciate your taking the time to give me the information. Also, Daniel, what great std gauge sets, really liked Std Gauge (or Wide Gauge as our AF friends would say) but I simply ran out of space to show or operate them except occasionally at Christmas around the tree. I enjoy what I have but have not tried to add to the collection at all in recent years. OOOPs I forgot a Lionel 211 flat car that my brother found for me at an Ohio train show. This thing, standard gauge from 1926-27, is my only "series 200" car and is about a foot long. The rest of my Lionel SG is 800 series cars and somewhat smaller. ! I can't imagine how large a full set of these cars would be, but I would have to set them up in the back yard (or garden).
Jamie I am really enjoying your pictures of your clockwork layout. Thanks for posting. I have a small "collection" of Hornby both the UK Hornby and the French Hornby and really like what you are doing for your layout. As a clockwork layout, I have thought some about doing something similar, a small layout where I could run the Hornby and I have some Distler clockwork as well as some from American Flyer and Marx. Who knows, maybe some day.
Best regards to all