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Reply to "Tinplate photos ๐Ÿ“ธ and videos ๐Ÿ“ฝ"

The formation of the German Deutsche Reichsbahn (German National Railways) in 1920 foretold a major change in the Marklin line of model trains that was to commence in 1928. The introduction of the Model HR Pacific (4-6-2) steam loco model in 1929 represented what some consider the pinnacle of Marklinโ€™s steam locomotive modeling. The HR was offered that year in four versions: two in 0 gauge (live steam and electric,) and two in gauge 1, also live steam and electric. They were lacquered in green and black with trim lines in red. This video shows a first series Marklin 1 gauge HR 64-13021 (1929-31) pulling two Marklin CIWL (Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lits) Marklin cars. The cars are: first, a 57cm Marklin 1942 J Speiswagen (diner) 1934-42; and second, a 53cm Marklin 1947 J  Schlafwagen (sleeping car) 1930-37. (Reference: Technical Toys in the Course of Time, Vol. 9, The Golden Twenties.)

Jim, the items in your collection and your knowledge of them is amazing, and seeing them in operation is phenomenal.  Thank you for taking your trains off the shelf and putting them on the rails.  I always enjoy your posts.

I hate to be morbid, but I hope that your information is being cataloged so that future generations of train buffs can take advantage of it.  The details which exist only in the minds (and basements) of a few talented individuals such as yourself needs to be saved.
