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OK .. On Fire now !!!

Just had a "win" on a leetle bit of "Rocking Horse Poo"  Everyone knows Erector and Meccano , but in the late teens and 20's Frank Hornby in the UK  had a bit of competition from W. Butcher and Sons of Blackheath, London who created the Primus Engineering Construction sets , and also made a Gauge 1 clockwork locomotive set !

Now before anyone gets excited ( lol ) .. I DIDN'T get the above ! ... these are serious Rocking Horse Poo rare like I said ... but I did manage to score the clockwork MOTOR for one !

I take my wins where I can get them , and although I suspect I will never ever see a loco kit at a price anywhere near that I could afford .. hey , at least I have a motor for it LOL!!!

( again its the HISTORY of stuff like this that gets my juices flowing   )

Not so cheap even when new ... about 4-5 days of a working mans wage in 1920's UK  ... if you got this under the Christmas tree you did well!

Last edited by Fatman