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Reply to "Tinplate photos πŸ“Έ and videos πŸ“½"

@Fatman posted:

Oh and earlier I hinted at a "Big Find" coming from Europe with the help of Dutchboy , Fatmans trusty companion!

Well he came thru with the goods !

Not so much "train " orientated but falling in my other wheelhouse of vintage kinetic motors , I have shared the Hess Dynamobil before but will include a pic again for reference here ... These items were made in the early 1900's to 30's as an alternative to having your kid head off into the sitting room with a bottle of alcohol and a box of matches to play with a steam engine lol ... much less chance of burning your house to the ground!

They are basicaly a highly geared weighty flywheel which when spun up to speed used the stored inertia to drive steam accessories for a good minute or two after you spun it up ... plus they make a satisfying grrrrrrRRRRRRRRRR.. WHOOOOOOOOOoooooo as they cycle up and wind down

Hess dynamobil

You wind the crank , get it spinning as hard as you can then you can cut in the pulley drive with the lever to transfer the energy to any toy that can be operated by a spring belt ...Magic ! I have a little Carette windmill I power with it .

So Kinda?? Train related as it could sit on any layout lol ...

So to the big reveal !!!

OK Hess went the way of many German toy companies in Nuremburg with the rise of the Nazi's , falling foul of Hitlers "Nuremburg " laws which, when enacted, basically made the German Jewish population stateless by removing their rights as citizens , which in turn meant they could no longer own and operate business's properly compared to "German" citizens ... Hess folded in 1937 and Tipp & Co bought out the tooling etc in a fire sale ...

Tipp & Co then released their own version of the Dynamobil .. the Tippmobil ( how original lol )

Advertised in their 1937 catalogue , but when war was looming, Tipp & Co as the poster child for good little German Toy  Manufacturers then concentrated on making toys of German War vehicles , and the Tippmobil was forgotten ... Thats probably a bit harsh on Messers Tipp & Co as there were indeed one of Germany's finest tin toy makers long before the war .

Ladies and Gennermannnns I preeeeesent to youuuuu..

The Tippmobil!

Mega HUGE props to Dutchboy for finding this on a local Netherlands buy and sell site and alerting me to its existence ... as this was a huge find for me , and the seller did not know its history either and lets just say it was purchased for 1/10th of the only other one I have seen for sale ..errr currently on ebay

A mark of the man I am proud to call my friend is that HE found it , alerted me , purchased it for me with money I transferred to him at exactly the advertised price , and will ship it to me along with the other stuff I have bought from him when we have a full box ... He could have sooo easily bought it , marked it up 500% and then said "Look what I have got ! " knowing full well I would be interested still ( he Bought me a Hess one in the same manner ) A true Gentleman and a friend .  I became aware of the Tipp & Co variant thru my research on Hess Dynamobils which pointed me to this marvelous site

Thank you DutchBoy ! ( he must remain completely anonymous due to his work , but he gets full credit as best I can )

Very cool- thanks for posting this (and the link to the Hess toys website). That Tippmobil generator gadget would look awesome inside my power station!
