Jim O'C : Great finds for certain. I have a very small collection of Hafner, including some early passenger cars (that are very close to the American Flyer cars of the same period) and a couple of 1010 powered freights. I like Hafner although you don't see too much of it for sale or auction. Your Ives set is amazing, just to think those have survived nearly 120 years is unbelievable.
By the way, one of the things that struck me in your set from 1902 was the design of the baggage car. It has two end panels and an "open" passage to represent the loading door (I imagine). What was interesting is that I have the 1915-1925 Ives #50 baggage car and although it does not resemble the early one too much what is the same is the basic design. Two end panels and an open passage in the center. I have not seen this design in other than Ives and here they were using the same basic design approach some 20 years later. What works .... works I guess.
Best wishes and great finds, thanks for posting