@Don McErlean posted:This car, with the blue frame, was made between 1934-1938. It had a red frame before 1934 and a black frame after 1938. The fibre load is wood wool tied with red thread (the red color is faint but there). There was no postwar production for this fellow .
Here he is in my "Imaginary" agricultural train with a Hornby M1 Southern RR Milk Traffic Van from 1949-1954 and a Hornby LMS Cattle Van from the same period. So in my world, I now have all I need for my local cattle industry. I have a car to carry in / out my cows, a car to move the milk, and a car to provide the feed. What else does a Texas boy need !!
Don that Ag train with the old hay wagon is great. Amazing to find it completely intact including the fine thread binding.
The standard gage train I ran as a kid threw so many sparks that thing would have burst into flames on the first loop !