Nice pickups everybody!
I am kinda stoked to reveal my pickup this week , another Hornby , I have found a couple of really tatty locomotives in the past of the same ilk , but never a full rake , always hoping to come across the carriages at some point , I mean they must be out there , the locos were lol ..
However locally I found the full set at a do-able price so jumped on it ...
Let me present ...
The 1936-40 Hornby Clockwork Silver Link set in not too shabby condition
Lots of Hornby "Artistic License " applied to this one but I think its one of the nicest clockwork 0-4-0's they made , a shortened stubby version of the real life A4 locomotives , slightly cartoonish even, but you can bet the farm any kid getting ths futuristic streamliner would have wet his Christmas or Birthday pants !