Will: That seems the same version as mine in so far as the trim and stamping is concerned. My reference that I used is Greenberg's Guide to Lionel Trains, 1901-1942: Volume II, edited by Christian F. Rohlfing. This is dated 1988 and is a revised edition of Volume I. It lists two versions of the "green" dump with Ni Trim. 1932 with thick axles, a frame with two 3/16" dia holes punched in the frame about 1/2" behind the coupler for no apparent reason (for this car). It then lists 1939 version, with a frame not having the holes punched behind the couplers and "thin" axles. I can't find the data at the moment to tell you the dia of the thick/thin axles but I can tell you that if you hold two cars together and compare, the thick axles are obvious.
Thanks for your comment. I agree, this makes a dandy little "candy carrier" for a Holiday layout.
Best Wishes